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  3. Summer Time Rendering

Shidehiko Hishigata tipo de personalidade mbti

Shidehiko Hishigata tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Shidehiko Hishigata? Shidehiko Hishigata é um tipo de personalidade ENTP em mbti, 8w7 - sp/sx - 873 em enneagram, SCUEN em Big 5, EIE em sociônicos."

Desires to live as long as possible by any means to experience as much of the world as he possibly can; completely fixated on this idea of accumulating experience and knowledge and fun, and ultimately driven to despair by the realization that death, which he had escaped and buried underneath pleasurable escapes and immortality for so long, would come for him soon enough anyways. These are some pretty textbook 7 traits and further inform what's already some pretty clear Ne. Beyond this, the guy's constantly happy-go-lucky and takes most setbacks and injuries in stride without dropping his smile or his cool, and he's always fishing for opportunities while rambling about all sorts of things. His flexibility, open-mindedness, and constant positivity all speak for themselves, honestly. Choleric ENTJ 8w7 is an absolutely insane set of votes for this guy, I have no idea how people reach this conclusion regarding his character. He's clearly Head Triad (his primary fears and concerns are death and missing out on interesting experiences, such as the end of the world and FFVII Remake), rather than Gut Triad (he rarely expresses anger and instead laughs most of his problems off, also because his plans are flexible enough that the details don't matter).


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