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Ibuki Aiba tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Ibuki Aiba? Ibuki Aiba é um tipo de personalidade INTP em mbti, 5w6 - so/sp - em enneagram, em Big 5, em sociônicos."

I was hesitant to comment at first since I was hoping to see arguments from someone who might be able to delve into him better than I could, but since there isn't any discussion yet, I think it'd be fitting for me to comment my thoughts if anyone wants to contribute or discuss. In all honesty, I can see both INFJ and INTP as possibilities for him? Although whether he specifically is a NiTi INFJ or TiNe is uncertain to me. However, I disagree with the ENFJ votes entirely because inferior Ti makes no sense for Ibuki in any way. Fe dominants tend to lean on their external feeling function to maintain social bonds with others, to the point that they may end up upholding the value of other people's perspectives over solely analyzing things with a critical eye. This isn't to say they do not use Ti considering it is still in their stack, but Fe dominants tend to shine with their preference towards people's perspectives first rather than immediately being investigative and skeptical of the possibilities. They may repress their negative emotions for the sake of others considering how much they value Fe and overall value harmonious bonds with others rather than always fully assessing things systematically. This directly contradicts Ibuki's character, who has an extremely high use of Ti from his role as almost a "researcher" of the group — he consistently tries to draw conclusions and learn more about the research facility by reading the books there, and his conversations with Haruki also show his analytical nature and tendency towards knowledge. For now, I lean INTP considering how prominent his Ti is, and inferior Fe might actually make a lot of sense for him. However, I'd love to hear other people's thoughts on this.

