Jonathan Decker tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Jonathan Decker? Jonathan Decker é um tipo de personalidade INFJ em mbti, 2w1 - so/sp - 295 em enneagram, RCOAI em Big 5, em sociônicos."

I can see why people think he's extroverted since he always speaks and is very well articulate on his videos, but that's the point of the channel, him being introverted or extroverted wouldn't change how he acts on the videos, especially since it's just him and Alan and introverts can look even like extroverts when they're with a few people they're comfortable with, and introverts can be just as well spoken as extroverts, it's just that they're more introspective and prefer to interact with few ppl but in a more deeper way. Him being a psychologist (and I bet 90% of psychologists are INFJs lol) dealing with very few people but in a more meaningful way, and how most of the time he talks about relations of two people, almost never of more than two or three people already shows a lot about himself since it mostly comes from personal experience to be able to relate and understand so much and how he's way more comfortable with this type of relation. He always focuses a lot on the personal relationship with ourselves and this is soooo introspective and Ni dom (INFJ) instead of Fe dom that is ENFJ. Besides, he has already talked abt his childhood and how he wasn't very socially accepted, that's why I'm sure he's an INFJ


Film critic and licensed marriage and family therapist. He talks about movies and Mental Health on Cinema Therapy on YouTube with Alan Seawright. His second channel, Mended Light, invites conversation about everyday relationships.

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