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Suki Waterhouse tipo de personalidade mbti

Suki Waterhouse tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Suki Waterhouse? Suki Waterhouse é um tipo de personalidade ENFP em mbti, 4w3 - so/sx - 479 em enneagram, SCUAI em Big 5, IEE em sociônicos."

Reposting a reply to a comment below; basically an argument for 5w4: I was also confused at first over her being a 5w4 but I did some digging today and watched some interviews of hers and found she seemed more like a 5 than any other type really. She came off kind of like a 3w4 too at times but I now realise she's not that goal/image oriented. She likes to research and be very knowledgeable of her interests (mainly fashion) and the way she talks she's definitely outgoing but presents somewhat shyly. I also thought she might be 6w7 at first but she doesn't really present any of the anxiety you would generally associate with one and seems more interested in learning about things that interest her / pursuing arts she likes. She is not that open in that sense about this which made me also leave off 3 because she does it for self-governed reasons and just desires to learn more. Also, she's more than likely a 5 so/sx which is fairly uncommon and more of a lighter, socially extroverted type than any other 5 subtype. This is a couple years old tho so might be outdated esp if there's more interviews/real life footage of her available. I can see 4w5 being a thing for her too based on this explanation. I have to say her in some sense mischaracterizing her character in Daisy Jones to be fashionable and mysterious when in the book she really isn't kind of adds to her 5/4 typing a bit more. Either way she does def come off like a social, quirky so/sx 5 which is defo different from the 5 stereotype.


Alice Suki Waterhouse is an English model, actress and singer.
