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  2. Super-heróis
  3. MCU: The Heroes

Xu Xialing tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Xu Xialing? Xu Xialing é um tipo de personalidade INTJ em mbti, 8w9 - sp/sx - 835 em enneagram, RCOEI em Big 5, ESI em sociônicos."

Her mom and her are a reflection of each other, INFJ/INTJ but at the sametime very different, and just by the aux and tertiary switch they are so different despite being so similar. You cannot change the fact that I love her, her Fi is pretty good to, and her her Ni-Se being a bit passive aggressive when she leaves her brother to only save him later to make him feel like how she felt when he left her was right there. Also her wanting to be recognized by her father and his gang only to realize she can achieve an empire on her own is a Te statement. And again I will say it, because the mode were being..... whatever, but I LOVE HER!!!!


Xu Xialing (Mandarin: 徐夏靈)[2] is the current leader of the Ten Rings, the daughter of the mythical warlord Xu Wenwu, and the sister of Shang-Chi. Xialing was not allowed to train alongside the men in her youth, leading her to learn martial arts through observation. When Shang-Chi defected from the Ten Rings, Xialing felt abandoned, also deciding to defect years later. Xialing relocated to Macau, where she founded the Golden Daggers Club. Xu Xialing is a cold, rebellious, and complex woman due to being abandoned by her brother and neglected by Xu Wenwu. Because she is a woman, she couldn't train alongside her brother, Shang-Chi, or inherit the Ten Rings, showing that she was looking down on by her father and his men. But regardless, she learned to train on her own by watching Shang-Chi's training as observing their movements.

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