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  3. Tsukihime

Shiki Nanaya tipo de personalidade mbti

Shiki Nanaya tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Shiki Nanaya? Shiki Nanaya é um tipo de personalidade ISTP em mbti, 8w7 - sx/so - 873 em enneagram, SLUEI em Big 5, SLE em sociônicos."

I hate fighting nanaya players so much sometimes. Like, the char is fine, but the players are just like, clearly not playing the same game. Most people when they play melty blood are concerned with things like risk/reward, or potential consequences, or winning or losing. Nanaya players have no thoughts of that. All nanaya players want to do is roll the dice and RPS you at every point, mash dp, warui ne, whatever. To the nanaya player, mashing in a blockstring is a win/win. If they get a hit, they get to do more RPS, if they guessed wrong, they get hit and get to go to the next round or game faster so they can RPS again. Trying to condition them is useless, trying to even interact with them is pointless, because they have no thoughts of losing or doubt, its all just a big slot machine in their heads.


Shiki Nanaya is an alternate version of Shiki Tohno created from his subconscious and given form in a number of different ways throughout the Tsukihime storyline
