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Florentino, the Gentle Blade tipo de personalidade mbti

Florentino, the Gentle Blade tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Florentino, the Gentle Blade? Florentino, the Gentle Blade é um tipo de personalidade ESTP em mbti, 3w2 - sx/so - em enneagram, RCOAI em Big 5, ESE em sociônicos."


Florentino is the heir of the House of Perfume, residing in the city of Casanova within the kingdom of Norman. An admirer of everything beautiful, he led a fragrant, carefree life. One day, he expressed a desire to sail somewhere around Afata to admire the beauty of the elves. Many were invited, and one of them was the daughter of the Duke of Roses, Astrid, who was not amused with Florentino's flamboyance. En route, however, the ship was attacked by knights of Okka corrupted by the Abyss. When Astrid was overwhelmed, there came Florentino, gallantly wielding his rapier to lay waste to the troops of the Abyss, protecting her and everyone on the ship. The ship returned safely, with everyone swearing an oath of silence about whatever happened there — except for how Astrid suddenly had an interest in learning swordsmanship from Florentino. Well, who is he to refuse the offer of a beautiful lady? Afterwards, Florentino continued to reside in his mansion and protect things of beauty.

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