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  3. In the Heights (2021)

Sonny de la Vega tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Sonny de la Vega? Sonny de la Vega é um tipo de personalidade ENFP em mbti, 7w8 - so/sp - 748 em enneagram, em Big 5, em sociônicos."

as much as i’d love for him to be ENTP, not every character who acts the way he does is an ENTP. i’ll still explain why he’s fi-te > ti-fe tho fi > fe is honestly pretty clear in everything he does imo. he’s not necessarily selfish (he literally got usnavi a date, #1 wingman fr) but he does things his way, does what he wants to do, etc. when usnavi’s sitting down n talking with him abt going back to the dominican republic, he’s all “nah bro you got ‘island memories’ n all i have is washington heights” n he’s happy with it. he’s not getting any emotional attachment from usnavi’s stories or memories or anything, he’s just going based on what he knows. i think this also counts for an si explanation but since that’s not part of the ENTP vs ENFP argument, i won’t explain that. i also am really bad at telling the difference between si n se. so we’re not gonna do that lmao but anyway, another scene that i think shows his fi > fe is when he hears a protester talking abt how her undocumented niece (i think it was supposed to be her niece?? idk it’s not super relevant) can’t go to college bc she’s undocumented. sonny ofc cared abt the protests the whole time he was there but he was never shown being visibly upset by them until there was smth that affected what he wanted in life. shorter examples that don’t need full explanations: his lil crab drawing at the end, anything regarding nina n benny’s relationship, his section of carnaval del barrio, etc. (i can’t remember everything rn but these are just examples so it’s fiiiine) enough abt the fi > fe, gonna try to explain te > ti now. i mean… i guess the first thing that can be said is when does he ever do anything that’d be considered ti usage in the first place??? like we’ve already determined that he’s fi > fe which could MAYBE be overridden if he had very very strong ti but he def doesn’t lmao. i THINK he does have examples of te but i may be mistaken bc it’s kind of a difficult function for me to grasp? i’ll try tho, pls pls correct me if i’m wrong!! during blackout when he’s getting the fireworks with graffiti boy (“cus we’re powerless, our hour is at hand, it’s you n me, you know what we gotta do, illuminate the community, when this box ignites we gon light up the night”) that’s him seeing a problem n immediately finding a solution n acting on it. not only does this show ne, i think it also shows te > ti. again, i might be mistaken here so pls tell me if i’m interpreting te/ti incorrectly. but anyway, that’s the best example i can remember just thinking abt it, next time i watch it i’ll try to remember to come back with more examples :) feel free to add your own examples ofc!

