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MARINA - Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land (song) tipo de personalidade mbti

MARINA - Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land (song) tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é MARINA - Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land (song)? MARINA - Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land (song) é um tipo de personalidade INTJ em mbti, 5w4 - so/sp - 541 em enneagram, RLOEI em Big 5, ILI em sociônicos."

I am sorry, but this song is literally the epitome of so5w4. Many people say it's so4 because of the message of non-conformism, and while I do agree that this song is giving major 4 fix vibes, I'd say that this non-conformism is more similar to so5's wish to be above the ordinary life itself, not the eccentric nature of 4s. Here are some examples from Naranjo's works that correlate with this song's lyrics pretty neatly (with some of my notes about the song's contents, so I hope it ends up being interesting!): "But the passion of the social E5 is something similar to the need for the essential, the sublime, we could say, instead of the need for what there is. Totem indicates both height and the character of being a constructed object rather than a human being ("I am not my body, not my mind or my brain, not my thoughts or feelings, I am not my DNA"). The height of a totem evokes a tendency of these people to look up, towards the ideal, and to relate to the most outstanding and prominent among people ("You don't need to be like everybody else, you don't have to fit into the norm, you are not here to conform")". "The tragedy is that, by seeking the social E5 a super value, it implicitly despises ordinary life and ordinary people (once again, this same non-conformism and rejection of the usual and ordinary). He is only interested in the quintessence of life, the elixir of existence, the ultimate meaning ("I am the observer, I'm the witness of life", and this whole thing with the 'protagonist' of the song questioning and pondering the meaning of it all). But in this orientation towards the stars he becomes someone who is little interested in life here below ("I live in the space between the stars and the skies")...". I should also mention that the compartmentalization (a common trait/habit for E5) and dissection of the human traits of one's existence are SO apparent in this song's lyrics, especially in the famous lines about the spirit being separate from the body, thoughts, emotions and other factors that bring one back to Earth, further from the spirituality and highness of the immaterial and ethereal: "Of all the mental enneatypes, the E5 is, without a doubt, the one that shows a massive splitting mechanism that tends to isolate the pleasure (heart and body pleasures) area from the spiritual area: pleasure in all its forms cannot be cultivated because it would be a source of emotional disturbance and a hazard that would lead to loss of control." "For the E5, the body — primary space for the definition of oneself — with its perceptions, impulses and instincts ceases very early to be the basis of access to itself, the other and the world, and cognitive information becomes the channel preferred for relational exchange and for the construction of one's own identity (one's bias towards ephemerality and distance)."


Our ancestors had to fight to survive Just so we could have a chance of a life We're not here so we can blow it all We could bear witness to the rise and the fall Ancient dreams in a modern land I'm trying to get back as fast I can Back to a time before I had form Back to a time before I was born You don't have to be like everybody else You don't have to fit into the norm You are not here to conform I am here to take a look inside myself Recognize that I could be the eye, the eye of the storm I am not my body, not my mind or my brain (ha) Not my thoughts or feelings, I am not my DNA I am the observer, I'm a witness of life I live in the space between the stars and the sky What's your purpose, why were you put on Earth? You could be lost but you belong to the world We're now living in a seminal age The walls are being broken and we're ready for change Ancient dreams in a modern land I'm trying to get back as fast I can Back to a time before I had form
