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Katie Steckly tipo de personalidade mbti

Katie Steckly tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Katie Steckly? Katie Steckly é um tipo de personalidade INFJ em mbti, 6w5 - - em enneagram, em Big 5, em sociônicos."


Katie Steckly describes herself as an "Instagram-obsessed entrepreneur, aspiring van-lifer, creative digital marketing expert, YouTube creator, and an unapologetic, passionate fangirl". In addition to her business activity and social media presence, she produces a podcast (https://katiesteckly.com/creator-club-podcast). Her inspiring, optimistic, and health-conscious approach to business, Internet use, and life in general has gained her a lot of clients and followers (currently over 116,000 subscribers on YouTube and 24,600 followers on Instagram).

O negócio celebridade semelhante a Katie Steckly
