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  2. Histórico
  3. Historical Figures (1600s)

Ivan Mazepa tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Ivan Mazepa? Ivan Mazepa é um tipo de personalidade ENFJ em mbti, 3w2 - so/sx - 386 em enneagram, SCOAI em Big 5, EIE em sociônicos."

"I have no idea how am I still alive, but alright. It is what it is." - Ivan Mazepa, probably I can see him being ENFJ though. (It's hard to tell, I haven't learned much about his life, tho I DO believe him being ENFJ for the whole Hetman and Great Northern War part, and how he joined the cossack rebellion.)


Ivan Stepanovych Mazepa (also spelled Mazeppa; Ukrainian: Іван Степанович Мазепа, Polish: Jan Mazepa Kołodyński; March 30 [O.S. March 20] 1639 – October 2 [O.S. September 21] 1709)served as the Hetman of Zaporizhian Host in 1687–1708. He was awarded a title of Prince of the Holy Roman Empire in 1707 for his efforts for the Holy League.The historical events of Mazepa's life have inspired many literary, artistic and musical works. He was famous as a patron of the arts.
