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  3. Early Islamic Figures

Yahya (John The Baptist), Islamic Prophet tipo de personalidade mbti

Yahya (John The Baptist), Islamic Prophet tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Yahya (John The Baptist), Islamic Prophet? Yahya (John The Baptist), Islamic Prophet é um tipo de personalidade INFP em mbti, 9w1 - sp/sx - 945 em enneagram, RLUAI em Big 5, em sociônicos."


Yahya (Arabic: نبي‎, Prophet), as Yaḥyā ibn Zakarīyā (Arabic: يحيى بن زكـريا‎ Jehiah, son of Zechariah), or simply Yaḥyā (Arabic: يحيى‎). He is believed by Muslims to have been a witness to the word of God, and a prophet who would herald the coming of Issa. His father Zakariya was also an Islamic prophet. Islamic tradition maintains that Yahya was one of the prophets whom Muhammad met on the night of the Mi'raj, his ascension through the Seven Heavens. It is said that he met Yahya and Issa in the second heaven, where Muhammad greeted his two brothers before ascending with archangel Jibril to the third heaven. Yahya's story was also told to the Abyssinian king during the Muslim refugees' Migration to Abyssinia. According to the Qur'an, Yahya was one on whom God sent peace on the day that he was born and the day that he died.

Religião celebridade semelhante a Yahya (John The Baptist), Islamic Prophet
