1. Pessoas e Personagens
  2. Religião
  3. Early Islamic Figures

Ibrahim (Abraham), Islamic Prophet tipo de personalidade mbti

Ibrahim (Abraham), Islamic Prophet tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Ibrahim (Abraham), Islamic Prophet? Ibrahim (Abraham), Islamic Prophet é um tipo de personalidade INTP em mbti, 5w4 - sp/sx - 593 em enneagram, RCOAI em Big 5, ILE em sociônicos."

This is a good shot, if he's the first prophet to recognize God by his pure logic and philosophy then he's indeed a Ti dom, "this thing is my God it's so big! Wait... It disappeared? Then it's not my God... Wait! *points out to the moon* This thing is so shiny it's probably a God! Wait... It disappeared? Didn't it shine a moment before? Where did the light goes? Then it's not my God..." this entire situation even though it happened in his childhood it showed his Ti process pretty clearly. Ti also shown in his will to argue with everyone and questioning his and their own values and beliefs in an objective matter, like all his stories of arguing with people of Babylon, king Nimrod and other entities. Inf Fe is shown in his poor handling of family problems and feelings, like the conflict of jealousy between Hagar and Sara, the divine test of Ishmael slaughtering (goat event) and the rebuilding of kaaba. In most of these events Abraham standed overwhelmed asking God for a solution or God gives him the solution without asking, and Abraham obeyed God and did everything he/they ordered literally, suppressing his emotions sometimes. I would also consider healthy ENTP, as he was welcoming, chill and outgoing with strangers (the angels event) which shows a well developed Fe, he was also witty in dealing with king of Egypt at the time in a sign of aux Ne.


Religião celebridade semelhante a Ibrahim (Abraham), Islamic Prophet
