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  3. Free Guy (2021)

Antwan Hovachelik tipo de personalidade mbti

Antwan Hovachelik tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Antwan Hovachelik? Antwan Hovachelik é um tipo de personalidade ESFP em mbti, 3w4 - sp/so - 378 em enneagram, SCUEN em Big 5, em sociônicos."

(spoilers, sort of) He has so much Se-Te usage just from how he wanted to destroy the game for the sequel because of the numbers and nothing more but just to see how the numbers would go, I guess. It is funny how he is both Stereotypical and non-Stereotypical of an ESFP since most of us would picture him as a terribly written ENTJ villain at first glance and not see how he uses so much Fi and inferior Ni as well from not foreseeing his plan more and not try to keep a closer eye on Keys and Millie than just thinking he own what they already have since Keys worked for him and Millie didn't have enough resources to stop him at the time. But another evidence of inferior Ni is how he was really effective in shutting down the game by destroying the servers but didn't kill the last one because of Millie's ridiculous speech about numbers and how he will have numbers even after this, and believed even though he was probably going to jail after this. It just made no sense why he did not just smash the server unless you realize that his Fi is aux not inferior and he really only cared about numbers because he did not have a passion for anything unlike Millie and Keys.



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