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Gideon Nav / Crown Prince Kiriona Gaia tipo de personalidade mbti

Gideon Nav / Crown Prince Kiriona Gaia tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Gideon Nav / Crown Prince Kiriona Gaia? Gideon Nav / Crown Prince Kiriona Gaia é um tipo de personalidade ESTP em mbti, 8w7 - so/sx - 872 em enneagram, SCUEI em Big 5, SEE em sociônicos."

I think her being an 872 makes so much sense because obvs no spoilers but deep down the way she just wants to work with Harrow by the middle and end of the book, I dont think she has a 4 in her tritype because as shes like realizing more about herself she admittedly has enjoyed being with people, I think when the situation calls for it she's show examples of rushing or insisting on helping Harrow when Harrow won't help herself. 872 is known as the free spirit, and I think that's a fitting way to describe Gideon. She's caring as well as protective, and I think her protective nature is why she has a 2 in her tritype. The way an 872 is described as being straightforward, assertive, and the way they use their charming and sunny disposition to create an upbeat environment describes Gideon pretty well, as she often used jokes to lighten the mood even if not all surrounding her were entertained. The 874 or 784, AKA the messenger, is described to be confident outwardly but vulnerable inside. However, I'm not so sure thats the case with Gideon. I'd say shes more upbeat jokester rather then a master of solutions, and she doesnt focus on being creative or original but instead the people around her and her friendships. TLDR: I think shes 872 and I love her dearly


An indentured servant of the Ninth House since she was taken in as a foundling, Gideon Nav grew up detested and unwanted, spending years training with her sword in order to one day leave the Ninth behind and never look back. She ends up being dragged by Harrow to the Lyctor trials on the First after Harrow's cavalier primary fled, knowing that Harrow's success is likely the only way she'll ever escape the Ninth for good. Gideon serves as the primary protagonist and third-person narrator of Gideon the Ninth as well as the first-person narrator of Harrow the Ninth.

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