Kosair Trovi tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Kosair Trovi? Kosair Trovi é um tipo de personalidade ESTP em mbti, 8w7 - so/sx - 872 em enneagram, SLUEN em Big 5, SEE em sociônicos."

He is a brother character with a “sister complex” and he still treats Navier, his younger sister, like she’s a small kid who needs care and pampering(bombarding her with all sorts of presents). He can also be reckless, impulsive, and fight-loving; the bandit clan in the Eastern Empire was terrified of him as he was very active and enthusiastic about dealing with them. However, Kosair also has his flaws. Like Kaufman, he can be impulsive and brash, his decisions almost causing Navier harm and embarrassment. When he heard Rashta rudely insulting Navier he threatened to pull her tongue out, and even tried to kill Rashta’s baby afraid that Rashta would use the baby to inflict harm upon Navier. This would’ve been regarded as treason and cost him his life. Upon learning about the Viscount blackmailing Rashta Kosair jumped into action, and tortured the Viscount himself until learning about Rashta’s past as a slave. Kosair later used this information to quietly threaten Rashta, when Rashta insulted Navier again in public. His personality does seem to have dual sides. He may be a loving brother and a great fighter but that doesn’t make him a wise decision-maker, he’s too impulsive to act more cautiously.


Kosair Lilder Trovi is the elder brother of series protagonist, Navier. He has a reputation for his aggression and fiercely protective nature over his sister that ultimately landed him in exile.

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