Gao Yang tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Gao Yang? Gao Yang é um tipo de personalidade INTJ em mbti, 6w5 - sx/sp - 683 em enneagram, RLOEI em Big 5, LSI em sociônicos."


Emperor Wenxuan of (Northern) Qi ((北)齊文宣帝) (526–559), personal name Gao Yang (高洋, Wade–Giles: Kao Yang), courtesy name Zijin (子進; 子进), Xianbei name Hounigan (侯尼干), was the founding emperor of the Northern Qi dynasty of China. He was the second son of the Eastern Wei's paramount general Gao Huan. Following the death of his brother and Gao Huan's designated successor an eldest son Gao Cheng in 549, Gao Yang became the regent of Eastern Wei. In 550, he forced the Emperor Xiaojing of Eastern Wei to yield the throne to him, ending the Eastern Wei and starting the Northern Qi. Early in Emperor Wenxuan's reign, he was known for attentiveness to military matters, and the strength of the Northern Qi military was at its prime. He also tried to equalize the tax burden and reduce corruption by offering officials sufficient salary. He entrusted most governmental matters to the capable Yang Yin, and for a while, the government was effective, and the military was strong. In his later years, Emperor Wenxuan suffered from alcoholism and possibly insanity. Chinese historical annals recorded his bloody rages, nevertheless his reign, with assistance from his Chinese advisers, was considered well-administered and effective.
