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Riho Sayashi (Morning Musume) tipo de personalidade mbti

Riho Sayashi (Morning Musume) tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Riho Sayashi (Morning Musume)? Riho Sayashi (Morning Musume) é um tipo de personalidade ISTP em mbti, 5w6 - sp/sx - em enneagram, em Big 5, ILI em sociônicos."

Guys no, she's definitely an ISTP Edit: I realized that I seem like a Riho hater but trust me I am not, I'm just copying what other people have said on different sites that I agree with. I'm not trying to say that she's an ISTP because she's rude The easiest way to identify high Fi users is that they act the same no matter who they're with, and that's not Riho, AT ALL. Ayumi Ishida (mostly likely also an ISTP) said that she acts completely different when she's with the 9th and 10th generations and the senior, to which Riho replied "Ikuta Erina is even worse than me when it comes to this" Comment from this wota in translation page http://wotaintranslation.com/2014/06/04/tell-me-about-episodes-of-hp-members-not-getting-along-with-each-other >As someone said below, Riho is fairly calculating. She’s not openly rude, but she has these subtle backhanded compliments and comments – like when Harunan was chosen for DIY and she asked her if she would really be “okay” in a dance unit (since at the time Harunan was a fairly weak dancer) She's prone to making snide/sarcastic comments about people that are borderline offensive, which is very in line with how Ti doms tend to talk


Sayashi Riho (鞘師里保) is a Japanese dancer and actress. She is a former idol under Hello! Project as a 9th generation member of Morning Musume and the SATOYAMA movement duo Peaberry. She was the most popular member out of Morning Musume's 2011 additions. Starting with "Only you", her second single as a member, she was pushed into becoming one of the group's central figures as a main vocalist and dancer, which led to her being named the group's "absolute ace" (絶対的エース; zettaiteki ace) by media.

Música celebridade semelhante a Riho Sayashi (Morning Musume)
