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  3. 1980's Songs

a-ha - Take On Me tipo de personalidade mbti

a-ha - Take On Me tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é a-ha - Take On Me? a-ha - Take On Me é um tipo de personalidade ISFJ em mbti, 6w5 - sx/so - 629 em enneagram, RCOAI em Big 5, EII em sociônicos."

why do people on this site always think sentimental song is = INFP ?


“Take On Me” is a song by Norwegian synth-pop band a-ha. The original version was produced by Tony Mansfield and remixed by John Ratcliff. The 1985 version was produced by Alan Tarney for the group's debut studio album, Hunting High and Low (1985). The song combines synth-pop with a varied instrumentation, including acoustic guitars, keyboards, and drums. The original “Take On Me” was recorded in 1984 and took two versions and three releases to chart in the United Kingdom, reaching number two on the UK Singles Chart in October 1985. In the United States in October 1985, it became the only a-ha song to top the Billboard Hot 100, assisted by wide exposure on MTV of its innovative music video, directed by Steve Barron. The video features the band in a live-action pencil-sketch animation sequence. The video won six awards and was nominated for two others at the 1986 MTV Video Music Awards.
