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Kleopatros "Kleo" Gavras tipo de personalidade mbti

Kleopatros "Kleo" Gavras tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Kleopatros "Kleo" Gavras? Kleopatros "Kleo" Gavras é um tipo de personalidade ENTP em mbti, 4w3 - so/sx - 359 em enneagram, RLOAI em Big 5, ILE em sociônicos."


Born in a blue-collar family in Athens, Kleopatros was named by her father after the queen of Egypt and encouraged her to prioritize education to become a world-leader. However, she left college after the Greek Financial Crisis and enlisted in the Hellenic Armed Forces to help her family. Her drive propelled her to join the Zeta Amphibious Raider Squadron, a Tier 1 Special Operations Unit, where she was trained in amphibious warfare operations to defend and reclaim Greek islands throughout the Aegean Sea. Kleopatros refused further promotion to continue fighting on the field. She mastered the ability to remain unseen, often being called the "Green eyes of Hades" as it is the last thing her enemies would see before meeting their end. By 2022, she became a contractor for the SpecGru private military company.

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