1. Pessoas e Personagens
  2. Cartoons

Bee and PuppyCat (2013) tipo de personalidade mbti

Qual é o tipo de personalidade de seus personagens favoritos de Bee and PuppyCat (2013)?

Bee and PuppyCat (2013)

Bee and PuppyCat (2013)

Bee and PuppyCat is an American animated web series created and written by Natasha Allegri, and directed by Larry Leichliter. The series revolves around Bee (voiced by Allyn Rachel), an unemployed girl in her early twenties, who encounters a mysterious creature named PuppyCat (voiced by the Vocaloid program Oliver). She adopts this apparent cat-dog hybrid, and together they go on a series of temporary jobs to pay off her monthly rent. The show is produced by Frederator Studios and is animated by Dong Woo Animation and OLM, Inc.. The series later expanded to include a comic book series by the same name, published by KaBoom!

Tipo de personalidade de Bee and PuppyCat (2013) caracteres

Quais caracteres Bee and PuppyCat (2013) são você e quais personagens melhor se encaixam em você baseado no tipo de personalidade MBTI?

Tipo de personalidade de Bee and PuppyCat (2013) atores

O que é o tipo de personalidade de Bee and PuppyCat (2013) atores? Os atores Bee and PuppyCat (2013) têm o mesmo tipo de personalidade que seus personagens.

Tipo de personalidade de Bee and PuppyCat (2013) criadores

Quais personalidades criadas Bee and PuppyCat (2013)?
