As I Lay Dying tipo de personalidade mbti

Qual é o tipo de personalidade de seus personagens favoritos de As I Lay Dying?

As I Lay Dying

As I Lay Dying

As I Lay Dying is a 1930 novel, in the genre of Southern Gothic, by American author William Faulkner. Faulkner said that he wrote the novel from midnight to 4:00 AM over the course of six weeks and that he did not change a word of it. Faulkner wrote it while working at a power plant, published it in 1930, and described it as a "tour de force". Faulkner's fifth novel, it is consistently ranked among the best novels of 20th-century literature. The title derives from Book XI of Homer's Odyssey (William Marris's 1925 translation), wherein Agamemnon tells Odysseus: "As I lay dying, the woman with the dog's eyes would not close my eyes as I descended into Hades." The novel utilizes stream of consciousness writing technique, multiple narrators, and varying chapter lengths.

Tipo de personalidade de As I Lay Dying caracteres

Quais caracteres As I Lay Dying são você e quais personagens melhor se encaixam em você baseado no tipo de personalidade MBTI?

Tipo de personalidade de As I Lay Dying atores

O que é o tipo de personalidade de As I Lay Dying atores? Os atores As I Lay Dying têm o mesmo tipo de personalidade que seus personagens.

Tipo de personalidade de As I Lay Dying criadores

Quais personalidades criadas As I Lay Dying?
