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ROAR - I Can't Handle Change тип личности MBTI

ROAR - I Can't Handle Change тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является ROAR - I Can't Handle Change? ROAR - I Can't Handle Change - это тип личности ISTJ в mbti, 6w5 - sp/so - 692 в Enneagram, RLUAN в Big 5, ESI в Socionics."

I think there's a lot of Si in this song, starting by the title you can tell, but I don't really feel there's Fe. I would say it's more like the representation of a Si-Fi loop, because is strongly critical of past events, too fixed on the negative feelings to the point it is overwhelming and confusing, finally resulting in a great fear of future and inability to, indeed, handle change, as the name of the song says. Also, when in a loop, ISTJs neglect their extraverted functions, remaining trapped inside themselves ("Leave me alone", "Hangin' out where I don't belong is nothing new to me": the feeling of not belonging where they are or with whom they are), they're tormented by thoughts and feelings (like "nothing I do is ever good enough").


ROAR - I can't handle change
