Yosuga Mitsuzaki тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Yosuga Mitsuzaki? Yosuga Mitsuzaki - это тип личности INTP в mbti, 4w5 - sp/so - в Enneagram, в Big 5, в Socionics."

Ive been struggling with typing Yosuga since I first reread dw last summer, but I do think shes an INTP. Mostly because I do see lots of Ne-Si in her! I think she falls into Ti-Si loops when she loses Toto, as she gets stuck in the past fear of losing the people she loves and neglects her reality, becoming unable to ground herself. She doesnt really have much morality, and her self-sacrificing nature traces back to her inferior Fe. Yosuga spends a lot of time in her own head and re-analyzing things constantly, which is why she’s so unsure of herself and her feelings—not being very in touch with them. Thats her Ti, which you can see a lot more visibly in the flashbacks, when she was still with Toto and much much healthier. Her Ne also makes a lot more sense in the flashbacks; taking external information and connecting patterns to come to conclusions in her own head. This also makes her seem more withdrawn and aloof, but I do think that shes very observant and intuitive, being able to come around to eventually read Toto and recognize his behaviors Which brings me to another point. Perhaps her solemn nature comes off as Fi-Ne?? Ive seen this happen in characters like Katsuhira Agata and her behaviors do remind me a lot of his. I think that she cares deeply for those around her and can even become overly-dependent, not caring about what happens to her. If that doesnt scream Fe inf and sp 4 Idk what does.


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