Heather Kessler тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Heather Kessler? Heather Kessler - это тип личности ENFJ в mbti, 3w2 - sx/so - в Enneagram, в Big 5, в Socionics."

Look at how she naturally clicks with Gil. She definitely has Se but it is so low which is what allows her to not get caught up in the act and focus on the business. If she was dominant or auxiliary Se, she would be obsessed with the sex. To her it is so much more. She has exemplary Fe. Look at how she can have such a different lifestyle from Catherine but she is able to flow in conversation because she is so practiced at being kind and considerate even when values don't match. She would rather everyone be happy and cared for than her have individual ideals be at the forefront of her work or life. Screams classic ENFJ to me. I'm only an INTP though so what do I know. Also seems pretty 3w2 to me. She was revolutionary in her career. She is profiting off of a vice without it being illegal. Seems like a 3 with a 2 wing to me.


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