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  3. Xiaolin Showdown

Grand Master Dashi тип личности MBTI

Grand Master Dashi тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является Grand Master Dashi? Grand Master Dashi - это тип личности ENFP в mbti, - - в Enneagram, в Big 5, в Socionics."


Grand Master Dashi was the legendary Xiaolin Dragon and the only person that defeated Wuya 1500 years ago. According to the Ancient Scroll of the Shen Gong Wu, Dashi was the greatest Xiaolin Warrior of all time. Grand Master Dashi used the Shen Gong Wu to defeat Wuya 1500 years ago. After he imprisoned her in a wooden puzzle box, he got Dojo to hide the Shen Gong Wu around the earth to maintain the balance between good and evil. He challenged Omi to a Xiaolin Showdown in which the reward was the Puzzle box. The way to win the Showdown was simple, but done in a way to teach Omi a lesson; retrieve a pebble from Dashi's hand.

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