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Armand (Harmpit) тип личности MBTI

Armand (Harmpit) тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является Armand (Harmpit)? Armand (Harmpit) - это тип личности ESTP в mbti, 5w4 - sp/sx - 594 в Enneagram, RCUEI в Big 5, в Socionics."



Armand (PoI-6884): AKA harmpit. Early 20s. Believed to have anomalous abilities based on SCP-5218's description, but it is unknown what these are at this time. Disowned for being gay by his family and joined GAW sometime after. It is likely that Armand's frequent misspellings in chat are related to a supposed constant use of his anomalous abilities. Claims to not have inherent anomalous abilities, but is able to use said abilities "manually". #GamersAgainstWeed

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