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Archangel Raphael тип личности MBTI

Archangel Raphael тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является Archangel Raphael? Archangel Raphael - это тип личности INFP в mbti, 2w1 - so/sp - 261 в Enneagram, RCOAI в Big 5, в Socionics."

Did a lot of angelic studies from various religious traditions. The Archangels are seen in multiple traditions — whether it is Judaism, Christianity, Islam and even paganism. Gathered some of classic ancient analysis, online articles and famous saints’ visions with them. I know the below might not be much, but it’s the most I can muster with the little information on this angel. 1. Often seen as the Angel of Healing (Seems to be more of an F trait, though I wouldn’t call Raphael a stereotypical feeler, as there seems to be a high thinking side with often being prayed to for knowledge of scientific medical information, which is highly logical complex.) 2. Often seen as the Angel of Air, which is often associated with being philosophical, abstract and skilled with words. (N trait.) 3. Often described by visions of saints as “individualistic and of deep feeling.” (Fi-Ne) 4. Various angels and saints, unsurprisingly, are prayed to for health, but Raphael is often associated with healing in the case of deep emotional self awareness (Fi) and the courage to take novel risks (Ne).


The Archangel Raphael is one of the seven Archangels mentioned in The Bible, specifically in the Book of Tobit (which not all religious groups consider to be canon). He is seen as a healer and guide, acting as an assistant to Death, as his Traveler persona, on some occasions. He is also seen in the Islamic faith as the trumpet blower for death, replacing Archangel Gabriel. Along with Gabriel and Michael, Raphael is one of the three archangels recognised by the Catholic Church, while Michael is the only archangel named in Biblical books that everyone considers canon. Raphael is associated with the element of water, and one of the most common images of him according to Wikipedia is of him holding a water flask. As water is associated with healing and life, it is fitting that he is the patron saint of doctors. He's sometimes also associated with air and is depicted with a bow and arrow. According to some sources, he is also a regent of the sun.

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