Satoko Hojo (Witch) тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Satoko Hojo (Witch)? Satoko Hojo (Witch) - это тип личности ENTJ в mbti, 8w7 - - 863 в Enneagram, SCOEN в Big 5, SLE в Socionics."

I remember her being typed as ENTP for a long time and I never understood why like when did she care about possibilities, or had an internal logic system through which she interpreted the world? all she had in mind was breaking rika's will and therefore keeping her by her side forever she also didn't care about rika's feelings, nor did she understand her feelings even after she saw all the fragments that rika had been through she didn't sympathize with her: she, on the opposite, decided to completely destroy rika's mental health, so how in the world does she have fe? all of her motives were her unhealthy fi (wanting to make rika stay with her no matter what because she couldn't live without her, but also didn't want to go to the school because she loved hinamizawa and felt like she didn't belong in st. lucia) and she acted pretty straightforward and never thought about what could happen, efficiency was her biggest value as she traveled through the fragments her ni and se are also pretty obvious as she knows how to act in the moment, but also is able to predict how things will turn out she is also very good at controlling the situation and turning it to her benefit I'd like to her the ENTP arguments, because there are literally none of them on this page not every smart and cunning character is ENTP


Видеоигры символы аналогичны Satoko Hojo (Witch)
