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Veritania, the Redeemer тип личности MBTI

Veritania, the Redeemer тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является Veritania, the Redeemer? Veritania, the Redeemer - это тип личности в mbti, 1w2 - - в Enneagram, в Big 5, в Socionics."

i personally think she might be an INFJ or maybe even an ISFJ although she is a bit hard to type. These are what zana says about Veritania: "When I met her, Veritania was a paradox. She was quiet and reserved to the point of reclusiveness" ( indicating that her primary function is an introverted one.) "yet she seemed to feel compelled to help others by a humanistic moral code she'd profess by the campfire." meaning that her feeling function is either in first or second slot of her stack. also being compelled to help others indicating Fe. "As we explored the Atlas, Veritania's mind became an invaluable resource. Thanks to her, we were able to stretch our limited resources farther than I could've possibly hoped, avoiding fruitless confrontations and conserving our strength for moments that mattered most." (to be fair this seems more like Te than Ti so i dont know about this part) "She'd see a bad situation coming sooner than anyone, and help steer us away from it." Obvious Ni. "The last time I saw her, she accused me of using the mysteries of Atlas as a drug to distract myself from the loss of my father. After that barb, you can imagine I'm not too eager to see her again." Fi critic in 6th slot. First Journal: "The mists of the Atlas are the same. There is no fog, no humidity, no obscuring and coiling haze. There is only my will, my thoughts, and my expectations, reflected as countless echoes through a vast and immeasurable space. A pure being might make this a paradise, but we are mortal, and brimming with vices. Desire is the true enemy here." again Fi Critic. Third Journal: "Yes, I am the only one among us free of the hall of mirrors. I am the only one still thinking clearly. I have to get us out of here before it is too late... I am the only one that can save us." Showing tertiary Ti, Ti as child function will act immaturely and overestimates itself, by immature i mean that someone with tertiary Ti will only see their own Ti , becoming very stubborn towards other people's Ti (things like "my logic is the only correct logic").


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