Emily Artful тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Emily Artful? Emily Artful - это тип личности ISTP в mbti, 9w1 - so/sx - 963 в Enneagram, RCUEN в Big 5, SLI в Socionics."

Based on a lot of what she described about her own behaviour at the beginning of the video/timeline, it sounds like she was going through a distrustful/reactive phase seen in unhealthy 9s who disintegrate to 6, and investing her time and energy into personal projects boosted her confidence and sense of autonomy, suggesting integration to 3. Ni isn’t her dominant function since her recollection of the time she thought she’d have to physically defend herself against Anthony is indicative of Ti-Ni: he expressed his desire to shoot up his old high school/find his old bullies to torture them, which was enough reason for Emily to speculate what he could possibly do to her when given the chance. This also supports her disintegration to 6 as the fear of “what he might do” drove her into justified state of paranoia.


Emily is an art and storytime youtuber specializing in watercolor and gouache paintings.

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