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No Longer Human тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является No Longer Human? No Longer Human - это тип личности INFJ в mbti, 4w5 - so/sp - в Enneagram, RLUEI в Big 5, IEI в Socionics."

This is the most depressing story I have ever read, and yet I read it in a day cause I was fascinated with Yozo's view of the world and himself. I am 99% sure he would get diagnosed with autism, BPD, and antisocial personality disorder if he was alive today.


No Longer Human (人間失格, Ningen Shikkaku) is a 1948 Japanese novel by Osamu Dazai. It is considered Dazai's masterpiece and ranks as the second-best selling novel ever in Japan
