Hugo тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Hugo? Hugo - это тип личности ENTP в mbti, 7w8 - sx/so - в Enneagram, в Big 5, в Socionics."

I think him stating that being stuck in the stage between life and death is something he actually really enjoys wasn‘t a lie he was just telling himself. Trying out all those possibilities, all those lifes and what-ifs he could have been in different worlds, exploring all those different outcomes to different paths in life… well I‘m not an Ne dom but doesn‘t that sound like the dream of any extroverted Inutition dom? Like you can actually explore all those points on your inner mind map, that Ne is forming for you? I think Hugo being so content with being in his situation (whereas Nora, and I’m not quiete sure about her typology yet, as I saw her as an Ni dom, but some people here voted INTP and I‘d rather said INTJ than INFJ and now I‘m just confused ahaha *cries*, really didn‘t like that somewhat gap between the worlds) could be a strong sign that he‘s an Ne dom. I don‘t want to get stereotypical or something, but the boldness and interest in other peoples businesses with wich he approached Nora (and also other ‚sliders‘ as he called them) could be a sign of Ne-Fe, so I‘d say ENTP over ENFP. He also kind off came of to me as the stereotypical clever-witty-bold-ENTP who seemed to have a lot of fun trying out different possibilities that were always new and who thrived to never get bored. Which leads to the other ENTP implication I noticed : He got genuinely diasppointed when Nora told him, that she didn‘t think (I don‘t remember the exact words) it was about the jumping between lifes but the landing, ergo, not about those endless possibilities he yet found so interesting and fun, but about finding the one true life she wanted to live and therefore crusehd his hope that she liked trying out new lifes as much as he did, that she wasn‘t able to unterstand him and - maybe - his Ne dom. So yeah, that‘s why I think he‘s an ENTP.


The character that trying his possible lives. He had a brief relationship with Nora Seed

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