Edmond тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Edmond? Edmond - это тип личности ISTJ в mbti, 1w9 - sp/so - 163 в Enneagram, RLOEN в Big 5, в Socionics."

"Edmond holds the position of Vice-Captain of the Knights of the Klein Kingdom. Highly disciplined, well-educated and possessing impeccable manners, he values honor and duty above all else. Despite his objections to the use of magic, he receives an order from the king to assist Eiden and the others in their duties." Throughout the game so far (including the White Storm event) this character has been presented to us as someone very dedicated to his work, to his duty, fulfilling all the orders given to him because "it is what he is required" At no time have we been given the opportunity to see a "further analysis" of him and his goals to be able to say that he uses Ni dom, so far he only seems to follow orders already imposed on what he knows and fulfill them exactly. Also that in all his behavior and most of the things he says he always ends in something like "I do this because it's what I'm supposed to do" without questioning these ideas at any time. This is actually common in ISTJs "ISTJs guard and defend traditions and conventions, particularly those they have significant personal experience and familiarity with. The more often they do something in a particular way, the harder it is for them to break out of that pattern. This not only applies to their behavioral habits, but also to their beliefs and worldview, as many ISTJs continue in the same belief system in which they were raised." Although I have to admit that I could be based on the ISTJ "stereotype" as well, but Edmond actually fits the stereotype too, his internal cognitibe processing seems to be like this and the way he manifests it is exactly the same as expected. A person who follows traditional values however doesn't do so in a way that appears to be Fe but rather seems to be because of Si>Te since he acts according to tangible information from the outside world (Te) in conjunction with things with which he has already been familiar with, Si processes concrete details via compare/contrast with past experiences, Si often translates into an adherence to existing facts, traditions, worldviews, or methods. These types are typically not well-equipped for, nor are they highly interested in, creating their own ideas or theories, which would require a stronger Ne. I consider that it is quite obvious that his Si and Te are very developed, presenting a quite poor Ne, but with the help of Eiden he has been able to develop it little by little. Now, what about his Fi? Fi is directed inwardly, navigating and managing personal feelings and values on a largely independent basis. While Fe relies on others for emotional support and kinship, Fi is more autonomous in managing emotional matters. Fi types tend to experience feelings with far greater continuity, intensity, and richness than Fe types because feelings are only ever known as “personal” and they are thus very intertwined with one’s sense of identity. Being able to draw from a deep inner well of feeling makes Fi types naturally passionate about their individual preferences and beliefs, so they possess a strong and intrinsically renewable source of power and motivation. Fi types tend to be very opinionated about everything, though they might find it difficult to relate to things that they have no personal connection to. This character seems to be well connected with his "feeling world" and gives it more importance than the others, that is why although he acts according to social norms (not to mention that it basically plays an important role in his work as a Knight) he doesn't do it from the way of "connecting emotionally with the people around him and having priority for social peace" but rather he takes it as concrete rules. That would also explain his need to explain his behavior objectively emphasizing his reason, for example in the White Storm event where to receive Eiden's chocolates he says "Wasting food... especially desserts, is the most heinous of crimes. I'll gladly accept them" to give him the chocolates that he made for him he said "Since we accepted your chocolates, it follows social etiquette that we should give something i return" While ISTJs are at times viewed as stubborn or finicky, they are actually more easygoing than is typically accredited them. Sources: mbti-notes.tumblr.com. Personality Junkie®


Of noble birth, Edmond holds the position of Vice-Captain of the Knights of the Klein Kingdom.

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