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Marie Winter тип личности MBTI

Marie Winter тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является Marie Winter? Marie Winter - это тип личности INFJ в mbti, - - в Enneagram, в Big 5, в Socionics."

She's clearly the Ni-dom meant to fill Ferguson's shoes (and to some extent, although she's an ENTJ, Sonia's) from S6 onwards. Some would say that she's INTJ over INFJ with how she's dead set on revenge over the one who injured her son... personally I think this is just her being a caring mother. Fi may be more prone to seeking revenge than Ti but that doesn't mean Ti can't hold grudges. Besides we see much more Fe in Marie in how she's able to quickly garner support and become a "popularity figure" in Wentworth. As an unhealthy INFJ she uses her Fe to "manipulate" people, e.g. Allie Novak, and this is really only seen through by someone who has high Fi and Ne - Kaz Proctor. Neither Bea nor Ferguson (INTJs) had the same sort of charisma as Marie.


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