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Rabbit тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Rabbit? Rabbit - это тип личности ISFP в mbti, 6w7 - sp/sx - 692 в Enneagram, RLUAN в Big 5, SEI в Socionics."

Sure, rabbits are cute, smol, docile 9w1 babies in theory, but let me tell you from experience, the little sh*ts are anxious, chaotic messes who only care about 3 things: their own security/wellbeing (since they're prey animals), treats, and screwing. Physical comfort and safety are top priorities. 6w7 sp/sx for sure. Fun fact: my bun only knows one word and it isn't her name. She comes hopping at mach 20 speed whenever she hears the word "treat". She's also straight up ripped the treat bag open with her teeth, she's knocked over the garbage can in my sister's room to steal a pear core, and she stole an unopened Starburst from my hand and ran around the room with it in her mouth. Buns are actually feral.


Typically, rabbits are seen as shy and docile. Wild rabbits in particular can be erratic and foolhardy in nature. There are multiple species of rabbits, with much variety in color, size, and behavior. Rabbits are herbivores, preferring a diet of fruit and vegetables to feed on. Due to their submissiveness, rabbits make popular pets and enjoy the company of other rabbits, though sometimes a little too much.
