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Punk rock тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Punk rock? Punk rock - это тип личности ISTP в mbti, 6w7 - sx/so - 684 в Enneagram, SLUEI в Big 5, SEE в Socionics."

Punk is more a Ji > Je thing in concept, so could it be Ti or Fi, depending on how you look at it, or whatever band or era you're thinking of. Who really knows. There's no solid definition on what any function means, coupled with people typing things/people with their own interpretations of the functions because of this GIANT issue (one second, Fi means emotions, then the next it means values, one second Si means memory, the next it's body awareness, and don't get me started on Ni), plus I don't even think that the order we put the functions in is the same order Jung had it in, so who really knows what the "type" of anything is. On this site, people use a weird mix of BeeBee's system, some of Jung's definitions for the functions, and biased interpretations of what they think something/someone is based off a system that has no solid backbone and where the main site, aka 16personalities, types people with an atrocious test and the godawful four letter "system". So who really knows at the end of the day what type punk rock is, or what any other type anything is, because MBTI is borderline horrible garbage that I can't stop thinking about via my own conscious choice to continue to associate with it. But yeah.. Thanks for reading my super salty and stupid non-comment about my dumb opinion on MBTI.


Punk rock is characterised by fast, hard-edged music, typically with short songs, stripped down instrumentation, and often political, anti-establishment lyrics. In short: if you want to be a rocker and have strong political views but little technical skill, it's the genre to go for. That's not an insult towards punk, of course; it's just that people usually won't care. Punks do not care if they are untalented; they do it anyway. Were Johnny Rotten and Sid Vicious good musicians? No. But they still played, and that was because they were punks. They didn't give a damn about what other people thought of them, and that's a view many other punks share.
