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343 Guilty Spark тип личности MBTI

343 Guilty Spark тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является 343 Guilty Spark? 343 Guilty Spark - это тип личности INTP в mbti, 5w4 - so/sx - в Enneagram, SLOAI в Big 5, LII в Socionics."

"You don't know how good it is to have a record of all our lost time! Human history, is it? OH HOW I WILL LOVE EVERY MOMENT OF ITS CATEGORIZATION!"


04-343 Guilty Spark, initially known as Monitor Chakas[4] and known to the Covenant as "the Oracle", was a Forerunner monitor that was originally tasked with maintaining Installation 04. He is often called just "the Monitor" by the UNSC in reference to his title rather than using his name. Originally an ancient human known as Chakas before his mind was moved into an artificial monitor body, Guilty Spark played an important role in the ancient Forerunner-Flood war, as well as the modern-day Battle of Installation 04, the heretic uprising within the Covenant, and the events that transpired on the Ark during the Battle of Installation 00. After a hundred thousand years of isolation, 343 Guilty Spark was quirky, detached and analytical. For Spark, protocol dictated all; the slight emotion he showed for the death of an ally was truly grief only for the inconvenience of finding another to assist him.

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