Veronica Mars. тип личности MBTI

Veronica Mars. тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является Veronica Mars.? Veronica Mars. - это тип личности ENFP в mbti, 6w7 - sx/sp - 648 в Enneagram, SLUAI в Big 5, IEE в Socionics."

She is most definitely Ne dom the way she loves the unexplored and is a natural scientist with the way she interacts in the world. And fi is her auxiliary function because her core values are of the utmost importance to her it is how she makes all her (or most) decisions. She’s also very great with self expression and quite empathetic to others. Her tertiary function is Te because she can be slightly manipulative or passive/aggressive to get what she wants, she also acts out impulsively or aggressively when overwhelmed. She has natural leadership skills. Her inferior function is Si because she can be volatile and rebellious.



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