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Neptune тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Neptune? Neptune - это тип личности INFP в mbti, 4w5 - sp/sx - 496 в Enneagram, RLOAI в Big 5, IEI в Socionics."

This is basically what you see in an unhealthy INFPs. The tritypes back it up as 4, 6, 9 combo are one of the most depressing and unstable types. As Neptune is associated with water, it means it runs deep and wants to find meaning, which is very Fi-dom. INTP tends to head>heart as they prefer to use logic, so you dont often find unpredictability in INTP but in INFP. Those as INFP but can't relate is most likely not a 4w5. As the same (possibly) personality type and tritype as Neptune, i really dislike the planet. Most likely due to self-hatred or how people says this is me!!!!! which I personally cringe because I'm telling you, nobody wants to have 4, 6, 9 tritype combo.


Discovered in 1846 by three different astronomers. Note, however, that Galileo actually observed Neptune twice in the winter of 1612–13, but merely noted that it appeared to move and never followed up. Watery blue in color, befitting a planet named for the Roman god of the seas; its composition is similar to that of Uranus. Voyager 2 detected some noticeable cloud features when it flew by in 1989, including the "Great Dark Spot" which is an almost perfect analogue to Jupiter's Great Red Spot, other than being shorter-lived; it disappeared sometime in the next five years, but a new one appeared in the northern hemisphere some years after that. It has an unstable ring system that clumps into arcs at some longitudes. From 1979 to 1999 it was further away from the Sun than Pluto, and with a nearly 165-year-long orbital period it has only completed one orbit since its discovery—and that in 2010.
