Chuko тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Chuko? Chuko - это тип личности ESTJ в mbti, 8w7 - - 837 в Enneagram, в Big 5, в Socionics."

Extroverted Thinking is a process that is orientated to the outer world of systems and resources. Its role is to question the sustainability of a situation while consistently assessing the return on investment. Te is efficient and effective when working with large-scale thinking. It's similar to Nyoro cause both are Te doms and work with objective information and both prefer the efficient and effective the unique difference is the auxiliary function Nyoro uses Ni and Choko Si, Introverted Sensing is a process-oriented toward the inner world of memories and personal physicality and sensation. Its role is to consider the current information in the context of what has come before. It consults past experiences, traditions, routines, and bodily sensations as it retains and (re)collects information. This is the reason for I think she is the most cautious of all group (with Tattsun) she perfectly knows how is not a familiar situation and I think she relapses more into Te-Ne-Fi with multiple ideas and possibilities


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