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Siamese Cat тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Siamese Cat? Siamese Cat - это тип личности INFJ в mbti, 7w6 - sx/so - в Enneagram, SCOAI в Big 5, в Socionics."

Best cat in the worldddddd :) He protected my family from black magic.


The Siamese is a medium-sized, svelte, and refined-looking cat with long, tapering lines and strikingly blue eyes. Perhaps the most notable characteristic of the Siamese cat, though, is its "points," which are darker color patterns on the ears, face (mask), tail, legs, and feet. Siamese cats, fondly known as "meezers," are popular among people who want a sociable cat that loves to "talk." Officially recognized by the Cat Fancier's Association in 1906, the Siamese is one of the original breeds of pedigreed cats. Siamese cats are anything but reserved around humans. They bond to humans much like dogs do and will follow their owners around the house, seeking attention. With highly social personalities. Siamese cats want constant interaction and will get depressed if you leave them alone for long. As such, they are best in a household where their owners are home more of the day or there are other pets for company. Siamese cats are notoriously vocal with loud, deep voices. They love to "chat" as if they share a common language with humans, and they will also chide their owners if they feel they are being ignored. Although they demand attention, Siamese cats have even-keeled temperaments, so they blend well into families with children and other pets.
