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Penelope Scott - Rät тип личности MBTI

Penelope Scott - Rät тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является Penelope Scott - Rät? Penelope Scott - Rät - это тип личности INTP в mbti, 6w5 - so/sp - 629 в Enneagram, RLOAI в Big 5, ILE в Socionics."

Sounds just like an angry INTP trying to explain their Ti through Fi. If it was some kind of break up song it would make sense for it to be and INFP song because it would be talking about real feelings, but if you really pay attention it's just a projection of a broken logic and admiration by the betrayal of an inf Fe into feelings. Up until "And the real tragedy is half of it was true" portrays how a young person adopted the world of logic, science and technology as a lover or family member, someone really relevant in their lifes, who they would want to follow; pretty Ti dom. An example is the line "experiments and sacrilege in the name of public good". An INFP wouldn't comply or admire the use of immoral methods "in the name of public good". When it comes to breaking the expectations of this logic it doesn't really talk about how moral is it but how harmful to society all this technology is. It calls it "mean", "elitist", "flawed as any church", "immodest", "insane", rather than criticizing how moral is it it takes on account the fact that the technology was supposed to help the people is being used for wealth. There's a disappointment related to the system and to the self, because all the efforts out into the goal of a progressive society based on science is just a way to condone with a system the person doesn't believe in and heavily criticized in the past. The best way they find to express this dissapointment is to project feelings felt by the betrayal of a close person to their own feelings, which by itself it's pretty much a Fe inf thing.


I come from scientists and atheists and White men who kill God They make technology high quality complex physiological Experiments and sacrilege in the name of public good They taught me everything Just like a daddy should And you were beautiful and vulnerable And power and success God damn I fell for you your flamethrowers Your tunnels and your tech I studied code because I wanted To do something great like you And the real tragedy is half of it was true But we've been fucking mean We're elitist We're as flawed as any Church And this faux rad west coast dogma Has a higher fucking net worth I bit the apple 'cuz I trusted you But it tastes like Thomas Malthus Your proposal is immodest and insane And I hope someday Selmers rides her fucking train I loved you I loved you I loved you it's true I wanted to be you And do what you do I lived here I loved here I thought it was true I feel so stupid I feel so used I feel so used I was your baby Your first born
