Kambili Achike тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Kambili Achike? Kambili Achike - это тип личности INFP в mbti, 6w5 - sp/so - в Enneagram, RCOAI в Big 5, в Socionics."

Ni dom? Everything about this character is Si. She is constantly shown throughout the book constructing new experiences with past experiences and memories (What Papa told her and how he reacted) that have been internalized subjectively. This is the literal definition of Si. She rejects Ne entirely due to the looping programmed into her psyche by her father. If you do not believe in looping, ISFJ still makes more sense than INFJ. The reason I don't think ISFJ is that she doesn't seem to be on the Fe-Ti axis. ISTJ is also possible though. The reason I don't see her on this axis is that she doesn't seem to actively connect to the other characters naturally. Instead, she observes them and contrasts their behaviors with her internal emotional frameworks. She also shows no signs of objective, cerebral analysis of the world with the purpose of developing understanding. To be fair, though, she shows no signs of using any thinking function, Ti and Te. All her processing seems to be somewhat subjective. Also, she doesn't care about inner peace ever in the book (Like a 9); she cares about stability and having support (Like a 6). Fear is also a constant theme throughout her life. I do agree, though, that 9 is still likely in her tritype.


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