Robin Gibb тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Robin Gibb? Robin Gibb - это тип личности INFP в mbti, 4w3 - sp/so - 417 в Enneagram, RLOAI в Big 5, EII в Socionics."

Definition about Robin in the documentary: He was a dreamer, a lot of fun, always made us laugh and had a genius for making you feel good to be with him. He had plans and ideas and was called a lamb by his father for the sweet way he sang and carried himself. He talked about abstract things and dreams of why things meant more than they should. At the same time he was shy and very sensitive. He couldn't make a solo career because he didn't know how to deal with fame, due to extreme shyness. He wasn't a person who liked to be hugged or hugged a lot, but even so, he chose very well who he would open up to. And he felt pretty safe with his brothers.


Robin Hugh Gibb CBE (22 December 1949 – 20 May 2012) was a British singer, songwriter and record producer, who gained worldwide fame as a member of the pop group the Bee Gees with older brother Barry and fraternal twin brother Maurice. Robin Gibb also had his own successful solo career. Their younger brother Andy was also a singer

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