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Train Heartnet тип личности MBTI

Train Heartnet тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является Train Heartnet? Train Heartnet - это тип личности ENTP в mbti, 9w8 - so/sx - в Enneagram, RCOEN в Big 5, в Socionics."

ISTP vs ENTP. (Spoiler Alert) Well, I'd understand Train Heartnet being a ISTP if the manga or anime ended with Train doing missions in Chronos. However, his Fe is pretty much more noticeable at the end. Chronos was just filtering his real personlity all the time dividing his persona to any socialization. Train sometimes seems to be a bit awkward in certain social situations which is a trait that could be also paired with ISTP, but that's just his Se demon ocasionally manifestating. Since he started his social life with Saya Minatsuki his real personality began to develop in the healthiest way posible. Saya Minatsuki was his savior to become evil after her dead as well as his friends. ENTPs tend to be cold-hearted in these situations, but if it was not for Sven he would just died after a compulsive attemp of killing Creed. His Fe is pretty developed at the end since he didn't killed Creed. Instead, he was empathethic with his situation and gave him a oportunity to redem his life. Also, his Ne dom is clear once you remember that his purpose in life is just to do whatever he wants while being a bounty hunter with Sven and Eve just for fun.


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