Huaze Lei тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Huaze Lei? Huaze Lei - это тип личности INFJ в mbti, 6w5 - sp/so - 649 в Enneagram, RCOAI в Big 5, в Socionics."

i didn't really liked him when i first started this drama, but since he started to open up more and when we saw how he truly cares about shancai he instantly became my favourite character. i also thought he had really high Fi at first but now i see how wrong i was, he's definetely a Ni dom.


Huaze Lei (Chinese: 花泽 类; pinyin: Huā Zé Lèi) is a music major at Ming De University. He is a member of the F4 with his friends Daoming Si, Ximen Yan, and Feng Meizuo. He has a quiet and cold personality towards strangers and acquaintances. Lei portrays himself as a person uninterested in other's business. Shancai changes this part of his personality as he will often help her work through her problems. He is extremely loyal to his friends.

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