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Ainchase "Ain" Ishmael тип личности MBTI

Ainchase "Ain" Ishmael тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является Ainchase "Ain" Ishmael? Ainchase "Ain" Ishmael - это тип личности ENFJ в mbti, 2w1 - sx/so - 215 в Enneagram, RCOAI в Big 5, в Socionics."

ain typology thread (HAS SPOILERS FOR STORY!!!!!) why 2w1 over 2w3 we know bluhen is a core 2 because of his integration/disintegration in the story. when he is stressed (8 disintegration), it looks like he has sudden outbursts of emotions and becomes aggressive to whatever caused his stress (like how he always gets really pissed off when demons... exist). bluhen's lore is also literally just 4 integration. he becomes more aware and accepting of his emotions and starts realizing he wants to discover the real him that isn't just a messenger of god okay so i know why a lot of people choose 2w3 since at first glance, he does seem very 2w3 (wants to succeed in his mission from the goddess ishmael, wants to be valuable*) but luckily there's literally a whole dungeon that shows us what ain fears the most! hernia's master road dungeon (anguish of wavering servant) shows us that ain is absolutely terrified of divine punishment from the goddess because he is a "traitor" and "defective." since the dungeon takes place in his mind, they are manifestations of his anxiety. he feels guilt because he feels like what he's doing isn't the correct path and that he has imperfections because of it. here are some quotes that showcase this exact thing Messenger of God: Your faith is tainted. You prioritize your judgement over the mission given to you by the Goddess for the continuation of the El. This, directly challenges the authority of the Goddess. You, who have turned back from the Goddess, no longer have the right to use the name given to you. ( --> ain feels like he doesn't deserve to be associated with the goddess because he couldn't fulfill his mission perfectly or how the goddess intended him to) Embodiment of Uncertainty: It isn't too late. You can turn back. Throw away all your impurities you have gained through your contact with Henir and come to me. You still have a mission to do in my stead. *for most of ain's story, this only really applies to elboy since elboy is literally what kept him from not being obliterated out of existence so if he's valuable to elboy, elboy will remember him and he won't die!!! later on, he DOES care about the rest of the el search party, but he's much more like "yeah whatever i just like helping ^_^" and doesn't care that much about being valuable to them specifically iirc? it's been a bit since i read the story ;; this is what i think but i'd be down to listen if anyone has an argument for 2w3!


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