Gustave "Doc" Kateb тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Gustave "Doc" Kateb? Gustave "Doc" Kateb - это тип личности ESFJ в mbti, 9w1 - - 952 в Enneagram, в Big 5, EII в Socionics."

If you read his Psychological Report, you see Si plastered everywhere. His motivation to join the GIGN "seems to stem from family tradition, though it's clear his grandfather's military service was a strong motivation. " He remembers his operations very well, and his whole conflict with Lion is because Lion DIDN'T follow STANDARD procedure and got Doc's friends killed. Not to mention, he works on the Frontline because that's where he can be of most service, that does not sound like someone with inferior Se.


Видеоигры символы аналогичны Gustave "Doc" Kateb
