Aranea Serket тип личности MBTI
"Какой тип личности является Aranea Serket? Aranea Serket - это тип личности INFJ в mbti, 1w9 - sp/so - 154 в Enneagram, SCOEI в Big 5, EIE в Socionics."
[INFJ: Inferior Se and a short commentary on ESXPs ] AG: You know very well the channels of possi8ility at that exact juncture [Terezi killing Vriska] resulted from her decision paths as well as yours. AG: 8ut even so, when it comes to your key decisions, the possi8ilities are pro8a8ly fewer and more discrete than you have presumed. AG: Otherwise you would not see results consolidated into those vortices, would you? Possi8ility would resem8le an enormous hazy field of infinitely su8tle variations and micro-choices. AG: Imagine if at that moment you truly were capa8le of anything, no matter how outlandish, a8surd, or patently fruitless. How would this vast amount of information present itself to you through your senses? What difference would it make in your final decision if all other tri8utaries of whim spilled into the same decaying future? And what would this make of your agency as a hero meant to learn and grow? AG: Look at it this way. Imagine that over the course of someone's life, they are truly capa8le of every conceiva8le action at any moment, and did indeed take each of those actions in different 8ranching realities. Doesn't a scenario like that deaden a person's agency just as much as one where their fate is decidedly etched in stone as a single path of unavoida8le decisions? Who exactly is that person who can and does take all conceiva8le actions, other than someone perfectly generic, who only appears to have unique predilections and motives when you examine the ar8itrary path they happen to occupy? ... [INFJ: transcend from your circumstances, Ni, by making choices that allow you to fulfill your role in your team, Fe] AG: You may seek to understand your decisions and look for justice in their consequences. You may wonder why honora8le choices from the innocent are punished 8y 8anishment to a timeline in which everyone dies and all is gradually dissolved. AG: It helps to understand your role, not just as a hero who must overcome, 8ut as a single capillary within a much larger 8ioexistential system. AG: Think of it like circulatory system, where the veins and capillaries that do not help the overall flow of 8lood through the system are likely to wither and die. Those are doomed offshoots. AG: Reality itself is using you and many others to propagate its own existence. Strictly speaking, there is only one path to its successful propagation. 8ut it still permits you to make choices. Not all that are conceiva8le, 8ut some nevertheless, as dictated 8y who you are and the challenges you face. And you are free to make key decisions however you like, as long as you understand that some of these paths unfairly or not will lead to o8livion. 8ecause those choices do not contri8ute constructively to the perpetuation of all existence, including your own. AG: Such is the 8urden assumed 8y anyone who plays this game. ... [What a healthy INFJ looks like (but definitely not Araena)] AG: Violence was respected and cele8rated on your world [Alternia], 8ut remorse was rarely felt and pain could never heal due to such empty justifications. We died out a wounded race, and you are all that's left. AG: The process of healing first involves sifting through what it isn't, which happens to 8e almost everything your trou8led mind has to offer. GC: TH3N WH4T DO 1 DO? GC: WH4TS TH3 4NSW3R? AG: There isn't one. AG: It takes time, and is only accelerated 8y looking at things honestly. ... [Enneagram 4: So becoming unique that you become boring and narcissistic which is Araena] C: SO 1N YOUR T1M3, 3V3RYON3 W4S 4S N1C3 4S YOU? AG: Not exactly. 8ut life was pretty mild and uneventful. AG: I'm not even sure if I was especially nice, 8y our standards. AG: Mostly kind of 8oring. AG: No8ody from my party liked me a whole lot. AG: I think I talked too much, and had a ha8it of 8ringing conversations 8ack around to myself. AG: Not that it matters anymore, 8ut it was not the 8est way to make friends. ... [Inferior Se-Ti but we can see type 4 leaking here, but yeah this is why she did what she did] AG: I used to fantasize a8out 8eing someone really outgoing and dramatic. AG: Someone who had the confidence do whatever she wanted, like go on the most outrageous adventures without caring what anyone thought a8out her.
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